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Zenhub beefs up on-prem edition

Zenhub Enterprise 4.0 adds built-in issue tracking, no longer requires a GitHub account.

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What AI won’t replace in your programming

Generative AI is great at handling tedium and finding errors, but the expertise and intuition of programmers will always be essential.

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Addressing AI hallucinations with retrieval-augmented generation

The hallucinations of large language models are mainly a result of deficiencies in the dataset and training. These can be mitigated with retrieval-augmented generation and real-time data.


RPA, BPS, process automation, workflow

7 mistakes to avoid when developing RPAs

Bots at their best offer a high return on investment—but there are risks. Here are seven mistakes software developers should watch out for.

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Netlify Composable Web Platform aims to modernize web architecture

Modular, framework-agnostic platform combines unified content layer, developer workflow, and visual editor for creating, editing, and publishing web content.

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CloudBees readies cloud-native devsecops platform

CloudBees platform built on Tekton boasts feature flagging, value stream management, CI/CD pipeline orchestration, and GitHub Actions-like workflow automation.

Woman standing in front of chalkboard with question marks.

What happened to edge computing?

Edge computing offers less latency and bandwidth savings, but the lack of standards and problems with interoperability and security still need to improve.

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Oracle unveils Java development extension for Visual Studio Code

Oracle said that its Oracle Java Platform extension would support current JDK releases and the next upcoming JDK version.

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Microsoft introduces cloud-native application platform

The open source Radius platform allows developers and operators to collaborate on delivering and managing cloud-native apps across public clouds and private infrastructure.

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How to use structured concurrency in C#

Structured concurrency offers a more organized and more intuitive way of managing the lifetimes of asynchronous tasks. Here’s how to take advantage of it in C#.


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BI meets data science in Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft’s cloud-hosted data lake and lakehouse platform gains new data science tools and opens up Power BI datasets to Python, R, and SparkSQL.

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Node.js 21 brings WebSocket client

Latest release of popular JavaScript runtime also features test runner improvements and enhanced V8 engine.

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AI will remake data centers, OCP says

Open Compute Project expects the hardware requirements of AI to usher in a new era of larger data centers, liquid-cooled hardware, and greater power consumption.


Intro to JSON-LD: JSON for the semantic web

JSON-LD extends JSON to include linking information. Here's how it could make JSON a top-tier player in hypermedia and the semantic web.

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Review: 7 Python IDEs compared

What's the best IDE for Python? Here's how IDLE, Komodo, PyCharm, PyDev, Microsoft's Python and Python Tools extensions for Visual Studio Code, and Spyder stack up.